Perform rigorous simulations of any type of waveguide
Get a jump over your competition through the ability to analyze any type of waveguide, visualize the modes, analyze dispersion, and more.
Photonic crystal waveguides.
Fiber optic waveguides.
Metal waveguides.
With this course, you will be able to design and rigorously analyze any type of waveguide using a simple and powerful implementation of the finite-difference method. The course include includes full wave rigorous analysis of hybrid modes as well as approximate techniques for faster and more efficient analysis.
The Implementation of Finite-Difference Waveguide Analysis in MATLAB course will get you analyzing and designing your own waveguides very quickly. In this course, you will learn every line of code in MATLAB to perform the simulations.
Download TEST_YEEDER2D()
YEEDER2D() Header
YEEDER2D() Handle Input Arguments
YEEDER2D() Build DHX & DHY & Test
Program the Header
Calculate Optimized Grid
Build the Device on the Grid
Perform Finite-Difference Analysis
Visualize the Modes and Test
Quasi-Vectorial Analysis
The paid course grants you access to all class videos and instructional materials for one year from date of enrollment.
Full course access